Death Valley | LP |

Death Valley

Testo Death Valley

Dying‘s so rock and roll
Stretching out into forever
I said I don‘t know
Could anybody even survive it?

Oh, she said we‘re never gonna die
Wait, wait, wait, woo-hoo-woo
she said we‘re never gonna die
Wait, wait, wait

The leather seats are gettin‘
Hotter by the minute
I can‘t believe we could take it
She taps her feet, and then she
Just spits a melody out
I used to love till it killed me

Oh, she said we‘re never gonna die
Wait, wait, wait, woo-hoo-woo
Oh, she said we‘re never gonna die

Oh oh oh...

Sang twenty songs on rotation
You know that everything goes bad on occasion
Take me away on vacation
So I barely even know that you‘re fakin‘
O-oh, tell me the world‘s worthing for
O-oh, baby ? here ?
Woo-hoo-woo, woo-hoo-woo

She said we‘re never gonna die
Wait, wait, wait, woo-hoo-woo
Oh, she said we‘re never gonna die
Wait, wait, wait, woo-hoo-woo
Oh, she said we‘re never gonna die
Wait, wait, wait, woo-hoo-woo
Oh, she said we‘re never gonna die
Wait, wait, wait.

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